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CakePHP 4 Print Increment Number With Every Table Row

Asyraf Wahi Anuar - December 22, 2021

Estimated reading time: 42 seconds

Increment number in every table row is very useful in some web application projects. This tutorial will show how to set a maximum limit of rows per page with an incrementing number in every row. If we set the maximum number of rows per page is 10, the first page should print the row number from 1 to 10 and on the second page, it should print 11 to 20. 

Defined the maxLimit
In your controller, define the maxLimit as shown below:

$this->paginate = [
	'maxLimit' => 10

Print rows number
In your view (eg: index), include the following code:

$page = $this->Paginator->counter('{{page}}');
$limit = 10; 
$counter = ($page * $limit) - $limit + 1;
        <?php foreach ($articles as $article) : ?>
            <td><?= $counter++ ?></td>

This will print the row number based on the current page.

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